14 iun. 2009
5 iun. 2009
4 iun. 2009
3 iun. 2009
2 iun. 2009
28 mai 2009
11 mai 2009
10 mai 2009
Care este seful tau?
Nu ma indoiesc de faptul ca sunt prea multi in lumea asta capabili sa isi recunoasca seful dupa o astfel de fotografie.
Ia spune, tu ti-ai recunoscut seful?
7 mai 2009
Concurs time24.ro & visurat
Visurat in cardasie cu time24.ro a lansat un concurs. Despre ce e vorba, naiba stie. Toti castiga, nimeni nu pierde. Writeri si readeri suntem invingatori. Cel putin asta inteleg eu din postul asta.
Ceasul de castigat e grozav. Unicat de unicat, valoare de valoare. 400 de bistari sub forma unui ceas intra in buzunarul tau daca ai talent. Cand vei ajunge printre ei sa ai cu ce te lauda.
Pana acum romanasii nostri dornici de pomana saliveaza in comentarii.
Asteptarea e o povara.
6 mai 2009
4 mai 2009
2 mai 2009
Swine flu
S-a descoperit cum s-a trimis gripa asta speciala.
Criminalul e in poza de mai jos... la moarte cu el!
17 mar. 2009
15 mar. 2009
Hip Hop Training
El doar vroia sa fie cel mai rapid rapper din lume... FAIL!
21 feb. 2009
20 feb. 2009
A CORK radio station was running a competition - words that aren't in the dictionary, yet could be still used in a sentence that would make logical sense. The prize was a trip to Bali.
DJ: - 96FM here, what's your name?
Caller: - Hi, my name is Dave.
DJ: - Dave, what's your word?
Caller: - Goan...spelt G-O-A-N, pronounced "go-an".
DJ: - ...You are correct Dave, "goan" is not in the dictionary. Now, for a trip to Bali: What is the sentence can you use that word in that would make sense?
Caller: - "Goan fuck yourself!"
The DJ cut the caller short and took other calls, all unsuccessfull until:
DJ: - 96FM , what's you name?
Caller: - Hi, my name is Jeff.
DJ: - Jeff, what's your word?
Caller: - Smee...spelt S-M-E-E, pronounced "smee".
DJ: ...You are correct, Jeff, "smee" is not in the dictionary. Now for a trip to Bali, what sentence can you use that word in that would make sense?
Caller: - Smee again! Goan fuck yourself!